Monday, February 18, 2008

Construction Project Has Begun

We've talked enough about it over the past 3 months, now we've finally begun. The construction crew arrived this morning and began to prep for the addition. For those of you not aware, we have decided to add a second living area above our existing living room. The addition will add a larger, more kid friendly, area to the second floor as well as help with the acoustics of the house.

We are very excited. The project should only take a few weeks to complete.

Day 2 and we already have a floor. After little excitement on day one, I came home to a project with a floor installed. We are very excited to see what each day brings. Hopefully this progress continues.

Day 3 and we now have walls, closets, and electricity! Yes, this construction crew is amazing. Karin came home today and called me in Austin to say that we have a full room. We still have a lot of cosmetics and finishing to do, but we're well ahead of our anticipated multiple week long project. We now expect everything to be done by next Wednesday!.

Day 4 the ceiling was hung

Day 5 the crew took the day off

Day 6 walls have been textured

Day 7 the painting has begun. Also, the crown molding is now up in the downstairs living area.

1 comment:

Gary and Fran Green aka Greengrandparents said...

Congratulations on the start of the project. Can't believe how fast it's going!