Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Playing in the Sink

Karin had a crafty idea to allow Marbella to play in the sink. Marbella was equipped with measuring spoons, ladels, pots and a whole lot of H2O. I hope you can enjoy the photos as much as Marbella enjoied the water.

Is it pool season yet?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Construction Project Has Begun

We've talked enough about it over the past 3 months, now we've finally begun. The construction crew arrived this morning and began to prep for the addition. For those of you not aware, we have decided to add a second living area above our existing living room. The addition will add a larger, more kid friendly, area to the second floor as well as help with the acoustics of the house.

We are very excited. The project should only take a few weeks to complete.

Day 2 and we already have a floor. After little excitement on day one, I came home to a project with a floor installed. We are very excited to see what each day brings. Hopefully this progress continues.

Day 3 and we now have walls, closets, and electricity! Yes, this construction crew is amazing. Karin came home today and called me in Austin to say that we have a full room. We still have a lot of cosmetics and finishing to do, but we're well ahead of our anticipated multiple week long project. We now expect everything to be done by next Wednesday!.

Day 4 the ceiling was hung

Day 5 the crew took the day off

Day 6 walls have been textured

Day 7 the painting has begun. Also, the crown molding is now up in the downstairs living area.

Karin's Belly - 20 Weeks

Here is the latest picture at 20 weeks. We're over half way there! 
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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mommy's Gone - Day 3 & 4

What, no updates? Darn right! After two days of being a single, working dad, I could no longer keep up with the daily blog posts. We did have a great time and Marbella stayed awake long enough to go meet Mommy at the airport.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mommy's Gone - Day 2

Just wanted to pass along a few quick pictures I grabbed of Ms. Marbella this morning. Today was a monumental was the first that Daddy was actually able to put a ponytail and bow in Marbella's hair. Here are two shots as I dropped her off at school.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mommy's Gone - Day 1

Well, the time is finally here. Karin flew to San Diego this morning for a 4 day sales meeting. She won't be back until Thursday evening. With Marbella in day care for 3 days a week, do the math and you'll figure out that Daddy and Marbella had a day to play. And play we did!

After dropping Mommy off at the airport, Daddy and Marbella had a play date with the Bonehill kids at Southlake Town Square. As you can see, it was a fun time.

No major incidents to report. Naptime was on time and lengthy (2.5 hours). Dinner was fun, Taco Hamburger Helper and a full bowl of fresh Guacamole. Yummy! Bath time and bed time were equally perfect.

We had a fun first day together. I'll make another post tomorrow.

Karin's Belly - 19 weeks

Here is Karin's belly at 19 weeks. As you can see Marbella wanted to get in the picture and show off her belly too.  
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