Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Blog Post!!!!

Yes, a post has been sighted. We are doing great. The girls are fantastic. With the addition of Milana something had to fall to the side, and the blog is the lonely victim. There are so many things to share, but I don't even know where to start. Marbella turned 2 and is as adorable as ever. Milana is 4 months old and full of smiles. She has even added rolling over from back to tummy to her repertoire.

We have taken plenty of pictures but in the mean time our friend Susie Juergens took photos of the girls (Marbella at 2 years and Milana at 3 months).

Once at her site click the link for M&M Green.
Susie Juergens Photography


Amy Dawn said...

What GREAT Pictures! I was wondering if we would ever see pictures of your gorgeous girls again! Thanks for sharing!!!

Amber S. said...

Such awesome pictures!! I am hoping to get a good one of all three of my boys someday... we just can't leave both of the twins next to Gabe without an adult hand being there for more than a couple of seconds right now. Such BOYS! :-) They are indeed beautiful!