Friday, June 20, 2008

Welcome Milana Hope Green

Milana Hope Green was born this morning at 8:07 at Las Colinas Medical Center. She weighs 6lb 7.2oz and is 17 3/4 in long.

Mother and baby are doing fine. We are in room 317 and should be staying in the hospital through Tuesday.


Kelly said...

Congratulations Green Family. We can't wait to come up to the hospital later today. Milana is so beautiful! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. See you guys in a bit! Love to you all!

Gary, Megan, Drew, and Evan said...

Yay! She's here and is beautiful. I can already see both Mommy and Daddy in her! Love you guys so much! Congratulation and good work! I can't believe the cousins are less than a month apart!

KiKi said...

What a sweet little girl! Aunt KiKi can't wait to hold her new little peanut. Love to ALL of you! Give Marbella and Milana a big kiss.