Monday, February 11, 2008

Mommy's Gone - Day 1

Well, the time is finally here. Karin flew to San Diego this morning for a 4 day sales meeting. She won't be back until Thursday evening. With Marbella in day care for 3 days a week, do the math and you'll figure out that Daddy and Marbella had a day to play. And play we did!

After dropping Mommy off at the airport, Daddy and Marbella had a play date with the Bonehill kids at Southlake Town Square. As you can see, it was a fun time.

No major incidents to report. Naptime was on time and lengthy (2.5 hours). Dinner was fun, Taco Hamburger Helper and a full bowl of fresh Guacamole. Yummy! Bath time and bed time were equally perfect.

We had a fun first day together. I'll make another post tomorrow.

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