Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Karin's Got a Belly - 17 Weeks

Well, here it is, our first belly picture for baby #2. This photo is about 3 weeks behind our first belly photo with Marbella, but you know we were probably a bit over eager during that pregnancy. Karin is certainly starting to pop; however, the photo to the right is a bit concealing. She is now embracing the maternity clothes, today even donning the Bella Band (whatever that is). I can't blame her for the excitement to wear her maternity clothes. We've only somehow managed to make consecutive weeknd trips to the BabyStyle at Northpark plus a visit to their online establishment. Heck Daddy is even shopping at Bel Bambini for organic onsies for the new baby. Hey, Marbella got all the attention for being baby #1, the least we can do for her sister (did I just let out a secret?) is buy her a few nice clothes because you know she's going to get all of Marbella's hand me downs.
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