Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today's forecast 90% chance of girl

Yes, we realize that we are not 'scheduled' to find out the gender of the baby until our appointment in late February. However, yesterday while Karin was at the o/b to do a routine check of the baby's heart she was able to 'sell' Dr. Maxey on doing a quick u/s. And the verdict is...No Weenie?!?! Doc went with a 90% that it is a girl based on the quick peek. We're not painting the nursery yet, but we've got a pretty good feeling Marbella is going to have a little sister.
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Karin's Got a Belly - 17 Weeks

Well, here it is, our first belly picture for baby #2. This photo is about 3 weeks behind our first belly photo with Marbella, but you know we were probably a bit over eager during that pregnancy. Karin is certainly starting to pop; however, the photo to the right is a bit concealing. She is now embracing the maternity clothes, today even donning the Bella Band (whatever that is). I can't blame her for the excitement to wear her maternity clothes. We've only somehow managed to make consecutive weeknd trips to the BabyStyle at Northpark plus a visit to their online establishment. Heck Daddy is even shopping at Bel Bambini for organic onsies for the new baby. Hey, Marbella got all the attention for being baby #1, the least we can do for her sister (did I just let out a secret?) is buy her a few nice clothes because you know she's going to get all of Marbella's hand me downs.
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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sleep tight little angel

I thought you'd enjoy this little photo. Each Sunday on our drive home from churh our little angel falls asleep about one mile from the house. By the time we pull in the garage, this is what we see.
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Friday, January 11, 2008

2008 Updates

Here are a few random updates about what has been going on so far in 2008.

  • The ick that is the first trimester lingered a few weeks into the 2nd trimester. With the nausea past, we're embracing the growing belly (photos to come) and anxiously awaiting our little baby.
  • Countdown to the date has begun, we will find out the gender of the baby on February 18, 2008. Our appointment is at 9am.
  • Marbella had tubes installed on Friday, December 28th. What does that mean? Hopefully no more ear infections 8 in 6 months was enough. Now we just get to deal with her slow teething process. MOLARS!!!
  • Marbella also now remembers that the nurse at her pediatricians office is only there to fill her life with pain and needles. She shakes her head and repeatedly says no at the sight of Nurse Janet.
  • Karin will be in San Diego for 4 days in mid February for a Sales Conference, which means it's Daddy Time. I'm suddenly getting flashbacks to Mr. Mom and a conversation between Jack and Caroline...

Caroline: Do you want to go over the list one more time?

Jack: No I don't want to go over the list! OK let's go over
the list.

That's all I can remember for now. It's been a good 2008 for us. Hope the same for you.