I was sitting on my bed nursing Milana while Marbella was playing all over upstairs. She walked into our bedroom and went straight for the breast pump that sits right next to the bed. She didn’t know that I was watching her. As she started to open the case with one hand, she was lifting her shirt with the other and then proceeded to put the pump up to her stomach. When she noticed that I was watching her (trying not to make noise while I was cracking up) she looked like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was going to pump some milk for Milana and then got embarrassed and ran. It was SO cute!!!
I wish I could have captured this story on video but I wasn’t quick enough. I typically nurse Milana while on the chaise in our living room and I always use the Boppy. Well, while I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, I had Milana laying in her Boppy on the chaise. I saw Marbella get on the chaise so I watched her to make sure she wasn’t going to accidentally hurt Milana. She sat down right where I always sit and raised up her shirt as if she was about to try to nurse Milana. When I asked what she was doing, she got the shy smile again and giggled. My big girl just wants to help!!!