Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Milana and her new bow!

Isn't it precious!!! I wish I would have bought her one like this sooner!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My first trip to the dentist

Marbella went to the dentist for the first time right before Christmas. I took the girls by myself because I thought Milana would sleep for the appointment since it was during her naptime. I was wrong... so I had two screaming children there!! The dentist was rocking Milana's car seat with her foot while "counting" Marbella's teeth. Needless to say, I didn't get a photo while at the dentist so here is the next best thing... toothbrush in hand right after the appointment at a friends house!!
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Another one...

I thought I would put up picture of Milana in pink above the one in red... I have been told several times lately that I have a beautiful little boy! No worries... I looked like a little boy too when I was a baby!!!

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Milana Hope

Doesn't her smile light up her face...

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