Friday, May 23, 2008

May 2008 Photos

Well, May isn't quite over yet, but we've accumulated quite a few photos and it's been awhile since we've share some pictures of Marbella. Here is a quick rundown of the month's activities. Mom and Dad Green (Grammy and Grandpa) came out the first week of May. We had a great time at the Dallas Zoo. Grammy introduced Marbella to PLA-DOH. Since Grammy left, we have not missed a day of playing with the PLA-DOH.

Other pictures from the month include Marbella playing around the house wearing Daddy's socks plus two festivals, Taste Addison and Main Street Days in Grapevine. The McGee family spent a brief weekend in Dallas and we all went to the Rangers vs. Astros baseball game.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thanks for the Prayers - Evan Paul Beckett has arrived.

Thanks for all the prayers.
Last night Megan delivered a healthy 9 pound 13 ounce boy, via natural childbirth, with no ansethetic. She couldn't have an epidural, due to her low platelet count, which is a side effect of the HELLP. Because of this condition she has developed, she will need to stay in the hospital an extra day or two, until her platelets are near normal levels.

Mother and baby are doing well.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pray for Megan - Baby Beckett Update

I wanted to get this up and make you all aware of my sister, Megan, and her pregnancy.

This morning, Megan went to the hospital in Goldsboro, NC to be induced. She was due last Saturday. This morning they discovered that Megan has HELLP Syndrome which is a serious condition for Megan. She basically does not have any platelets in her blood. Because the hospital in Goldsboro is not capable of treating Megan was transfered via ambulance to UNC Women's Hospital in Chapel Hill. Gary Beckett and Mom are now at the hospital with Megan. Dad Green and Drew will make the drive up to Chapel Hill a little later. We're not sure what is going on yet, but we believe a transfusion has probably already begun. All of this has happened in the past few hours.

We just ask for your prayers at this time. I'll try to post updates as we learn anything.