Wednesday, April 30, 2008

All in a name

Maybe some of you didn't catch the subtle announcement in the post a few weeks ago, but we have decided on a name for the baby.

Milana Hope Green

Milana pronounced 'mee-LAH-nah' has a variety of meanings and origins. In English it means precious one; whereas, in Hawaiian it means, beloved, Czech it means gracious, from Milan in Italian, and in Spanish it means Miracle of the blessed virgin and light.

Hope is a family name from both sides of the family.

We have come to love this name for a variety of reasons. It was a name that Karin thought she made up, until we started to research on the Internet. The name has Italian roots, which represents the time Karin and I spent together in Rome right after we were engaged. You'll also notice the prounounciation simalarities to Marbella. Also, neither of the names are in the Social Security Administration Top 1000 Baby Names for the past 99 years.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Save the Date

Mark your calendars. Milana Hope Green will make her debut on Friday, June 20, 2008 as the newest member of the Green family. We had another appointement today to check on the little one, and everything sounds perfect. Marbella just loves hearing her sister's heartbeat. It is so cute, she'll smile and start dancing as soon as she hears the beat. We'll make sure and post a video after our next appointment on May 5th.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quick Little Update

The baby is growing right on schedule. She (still no name) now weighs 2.2 lbs. We are right on track to deliver sometime the week of June 23rd. We'll be scheduling the c-section in the next few weeks.

I must provide equal time, so here is what's going on with Marbella. She is now 18 months old and weighs 22.2 lbs. She loves dancing, singing, and talking on the phone (something tells me this will still be her favorite things in 16 years). She is quite the chatter box and does something daily to warm our hearts.

Mommy and Daddy are going on their first vacation since we went to Marbella, Spain in June 2005. We are headed to Providenciales, Turks and Caicos on Wednesday April 9th and heading back home on Sunday the 13th. Aunt Kirstin and cousin Emily will be up in Dallas taking care of Marbella. We are sad and nervous to head so far away from our baby girl but are looking forward to the R&R before the new baby arrives.

We hope all is blessed in your life.

The Greens

Karin's Belly - 27 1/2 Weeks