Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas from The Greens.

Merry Christmas to all! We are just wrapping up our week long trip to Atlanta to visit Karin's parents. It was a wonderful week, and we're ready to head home for the New Year. We hope you had a blessed holiday!

Enjoy the photos!

Monday, December 17, 2007

11 Week Ultrasound

Today we got our second peek at our little baby. Karin and I are both officially 50/50 as to whether it is a boy or a girl. We'll find out soon enough, about 8 more weeks until the coming out party. Our little one has a healthy ticker measuring 172bpm and is now nearly 5.75cm long. Our due date is 'officially' July 4, 2008, but we will induce between the 20th and 28th of June. That's all for now....hopefully, Mom will make an appearance soon on this blog.
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